Diseases, Vectors, Specific Chemicals or Life Phases: What’s Your Pleasure?

written by Elise Miller, EdM Director When many of us think of air pollution, images often come to mind of smoke stacks and diesel trucks spewing dirty fumes or thick brown smog enveloping cities. We think of people coughing or wearing masks on their faces to breathe, kids being rushed to emergency rooms for asthma […]

Your Brain on My Mind

Elise Miller, MEd, Director A virtual flood of new studies on cognitive function influenced by air pollution, second-hand smoke, nutrition and other environmental factors has been published in the last couple weeks. One notable study on autism by researchers at UCSF and Stanford suggests that environmental conditions may contribute as much to autism as genetic […]

Appealing to the Power of Collaboration

Dear Friends and Colleagues, I hope this holiday season finds you healthy and surrounded by loved ones, particularly as we face so many challenges on every level of society and around the world. If you’re a CHE partner, I write now to invite you to reflect on the ways CHE may have supported your work […]

CHE’s Letter to President-Elect Obama

Dear President-Elect Obama: We write as Partners in the Collaborative on Health and the Environment, a national and international partnership dedicated to protecting the health of our families and communities. Our 3000 Partners include patient group representatives, health professionals, scientists, government officials, environmental health advocates, and citizens from over 48 states and 45 countries. We […]